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Farm Field School luckygetmostbet casino

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Youths from the rural areas are at a disadvantage when it comes to employability, mainly due to lacks of proper educational facilities and training. So many of them have to retort to farming either as agricultural labours or as farmers to support their families. So, when employment opportunities are low, a little knowledge of farming can make a huge difference in the children’s lives.1 win casino1win DBDOC’s Farm Field School is an innovative way to promote best agricultural practices to the youth through demonstration mode aimed at retaining /preserving/ promoting traditional wisdom of rural farming.  With this objective, the Farm Field Schools have been imparting knowledge and training on various aspects of farming to the needy youth. Most of the aspirants come from rural agricultural backgrounds and are exposed to farming by their parents. But this program uses innovative integrated curriculum enabling the children to use modern technology with traditional methods. The youths are also taught about nutrition and healthy food habits. They are motivated to grow into confident young adults.pinupmusbetpinup casino