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Feast of  St.John Bosco

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  • 6 Feb 2023

31st January marks the feast of the patron and founder St.John Bosco and it holds much significance for every Salesian. This year Nitika Don Bosco had organized the holy occasion with great fervor and devotion. The Salesians of the Provincial House, the children and the youths along with the staffs of Nitika attended the celebration.

The program began with the Prayer and Lighting of Lamp.  his homily, the Provincial highlighted the teachings of St. John Bosco. Father stressed the importance on Don Bosco’s message of education, hard work, and compassion for the poor and the marginalized. He also spoke about the need to emulate the life and values of St. John Bosco in our daily lives. A cultural program was conducted, which included songs, dances by the children, youths, teachers and the Brothers. The program was well received by the audience, who were entertained and inspired by the performances.

The Feast of St. John Bosco was a grand success and a fitting tribute to this great saint who inspired people from all walks of life, to lead lives filled with love, compassion, and service to others.

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