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Cultivating Environmental Stewardship: The Tree Plantation Initiative

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  • 26 Apr 2024

The Tree Plantation event at Barapahari Don Bosco Center stands as a testament to the children’s dedication to preserving our planet. In honor of Save Earth Day, they came together with a shared passion for environmental conservation.

Under the guidance of their mentors, the children received valuable lessons on the crucial role trees play in maintaining Earth’s health and biodiversity. With shovels in hand and determination in their hearts, they planted trees throughout the center’s grounds, embodying their commitment to environmental stewardship.

This hands-on experience not only instilled a sense of responsibility towards nature but also deepened their understanding of individual contributions to combating climate change. As each sapling took root, so did the seeds of environmental awareness in the children’s minds.

The Tree Plantation event serves as a poignant reminder of the significant impact of even the smallest actions. Through their collective efforts, the children of Barapahari Don Bosco Center have shown their dedication to protecting our planet for generations to come.

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