Welcome to Don Bosco Development Society

What we do

Tribal Development

The tribal communities form an indispensable part of the Indian community. The tribals have been impacted consistently with the rapid development of society both economically and socially. With the consistent effort made by the government, the tribal people have achieved some level of decent improvement. But still, it is far away from the progress aspired by the current trend. Various schemes and policies have made their way in developing a progressive world for the Tribals.
DBDOC is actively working towards their secured upliftment and growth. The protection and preservation of the indigenous tribal communities have become a prime concern. The literacy rate of tribal people is comparatively low that indicates a prime concern. Moreover, they motivate them by showcasing the various benefits they can avail from education. Salesians run schools in remote tribal areas to promote quality education for the educational upliftment of the tribal community children.

Looking at the health situation of tribal communities in remote locations makes it highly unfavorable to avail the health infrastructure present in distant spots. DBDOC provides awareness related to such critical issues, thereby helping to reduce the causes of infant and maternal mortality rates.

The tribal areas are known for their unique culture and tradition. But with the pace of development, the community is losing its culture. Tribal people are majorly engaged in agriculture or their traditional activities in rural areas. DBDOC has been working relentlessly towards the livelihood development of the tribal communities by providing skill training and helping them to get sustainable wage-based employment.